19 June 2010

Kibbutz Givat Haim.

Sooo where to begin... hmm.... The kibbutz. Its outside of Hadera. About the only thing right with it was the fact that Hadera is somewhat related to it.
I get kibbutz arent top notch. Not once did I ask or say I want top notch. I said I wanted a place very close to Or Akiva, Caesarea, Hadera region.
The room was fine smelt a little bad but what ever. I can change that. The people were nice. But to be honest I said from the very beginning I didnt want a kibbutz for obvious reasons. Mainly the fact that buses are no where near the kibbutz and I didnt want to be adopted and taken care of by a bunch of people I dont know. Yeah the positive is it doesnt cost me any money. Thats about it. Id get have a bed and it wont cost anything.
I need someone to drive me everywhere. Thats including to eat in the Food Room. Fun.
So I told the Mishakitash yes. Because I really dont have a choice. Fun. She asked when I can move in, I answered it saying maybe thursday.
I go back to base. I get sick. Fun.
Monday worst day ever. So sick to the point where I cant stand. I got to the hospital late at night. Had a very bad bad panic attack to where they hooked me up to a ventilator so I could breath. They told me go to the isolation room till 9am the next day. 9am I go back to the doctor. I have isolation room till 3. Then at 3 back to the doctors where they tell me to go home.
Wednesday and Thursday Yom Sidurim I start my aliyah process. Friday I go to the doctor. He says Im too over worked, over stressed, and over tired.
Oh yeah what was it that I forgot. Oh yes! Me and the kibbutz! The mishakitash told my commander(mefakedet) that I said no to the kibbutz. Fun fucking shit. Fun Fucking shit.
Fuck this bullshit. Im seriously done now. This is just bullshit. Fuck it all. Like honestly, is it because Im American? Sorry but not all Jews are rich and not all Americans are rich either. Yeah fucking great. Help only the french and the russians because americans dont need it. Im fucking done with this bullshit. I cant take it anymore.
My life is officially falling apart from all angles. You name it. Its happened. So what the fuck ever.

12 June 2010

I turned 20 and Second Week of Course

So on Sunday was my birthday. I didn't do anything. I went to the base. Got yelled at. Went to bed. That was my 20th birthday. The second week was officially different from the previous weeks. The discipline levels are alot stricter. We are no longer in tironut thats for sure. But in a way its also easier. We sit in a classroom all day.  Seriously thats our new thing. Now we spend a good portion of the day learning hebrew. I really hope my hebrew is better by the end of this. It sucks to be here and not understand what people are saying. It makes me feel bad that I make them speak another language or we cant help each other because of such a barrier.
The whole day isnt hebrew classes. We have cleaning every morning and sometime at night. Also we have the raising of the flag. I got to raise the flag on Wednesday and lower it on thursday.
My mefakedet started asking us about what jobs we want. Right now shes trying to get me a photography job. I asked for one where I can help people. But we cant be certain till we see how my hebrew level is.
My hebrew class is easy because its what I learned in Ulpan at Tel Aviv University. We just finished the letters. I guess review cant hurt anybody. At least I get to have 100's on everything till the rest of the class finally gets to the same level. Then the problems will begin.
This week I had to go to 2 hospitals for tests. Monday was to a hospital in Haifa for blood tests and Thursday to a hospital in Tzfat for Asthma tests.
Next Week I have the dentist again. Yay. Its going to be a short week since we leave Wednesday for another Yom Sidurim. Im going to have a short week.
On sunday(tomorrow) I dont go in till late so I can look at a kibbutz.
If its good I will take it. Then Ill have a place to live. :) Ill be able to save up enough money to get an apartment.
Okay so thats everything for now. Till Next week guys.
Oh and thanks to Linn for sending me a message. Its so cool knowing that my blog is reaching you all the way up in Norway! I hope it helps. :D

The Hebrew Course Week 1.

After the Tekkas everything changed. Alot of rules changed. They have been slightly hard to get used to. As time goes on its getting easier. The rules take some time to get used to. Also because they were told to us in hebrew.
We officially got rid of our M-16s. Now that we are in a course we dont need a gun. Our last day with them was June 3rd.
The day after the tekkas we had our test to complete basic training to see if we understood everything. Thankfully I passed. The highest you could receive on each test was 20. There were 5 tests. My lowest score was 15. The other's were 18 and 17. Not bad at all. They werent as hard as I thought they'd be.
Wednesday I went to the dentist. Had some surgery. Thursday I felt like absolute crap. I think it was my body reacting from all the novicane. My head was just killing me. I couldnt stand, eat, or do anything. It was horrible. But we got rid of the M-16s. Highlight of the day.
Friday we got to leave. I went to my friend Sharon's house. We spent saturday at the beach and then went to Mikes Place with her cousin for my birthday. Then Sunday we went back to the base.
Sunday is the start of a new blog ;)

End of Tironut Tekkas (Ceremony)

Alot has happened these past few weeks. And by alot i mean ALOT!
On the May 31 after going to bed our Mefakedot did a drill with us where they pretend we are under attack. We figured it was one last test. Nope. They made us get into our Aleph Uniforms. Uniform Aleph is the uniform that we wear in public. Uniform Bet is the uniform we wear on base. We had 7 minutes to get into Aleph and make a Chet down in front of the building. Our Mefakedot presented us with our own official Michve Alon Unit Tags. 
It goes on the shoulder of our Uniform Aleph. Im really proud I got it. Im very very proud of myself.
Okay so for the actual ceremony. It was so so hot out. It was scheduled for 4 pm. I dont have any pictures of the ceremony though. I didnt have anyone show up to my ceremony so yeah, no pictures. I took some off of facebook that I found from friends. They arent that good. If I find better ones I will put the better ones up. Hopefully in my next ceremony I can have people come.

Okay back to the ceremony. In the very beginning when we were all lined up the Aerosap said that the Mefakedot, herself, and the Memem would be giving their guns to those they felt worked the hardest. In the ceremony we are being sworn in with M-16s. So if you received the M-16 of your Mefakedet or the Aerosap or the Memem its a very high honor. It means your surperiors respect you and see your hard work. Also your not being sworn in on your training gun. 
In order of power it goes as followed from least to highest: Mefakedot -> Aerosap -> Memem. 
The Memem has the most power and thats the highest honor you can get.
My mefakedet gave her gun to a girl named Anna from my group. The Aerosap gave her gun to my friend Sharon. Sharon definitely deserved it. Still does too. Shes a hard worker. We both work our asses off and take the army seriously. Not many of the girls do so its very easy to tell who really wants to be there. 
The Memem gave her gun to me. :D I wanted to cry. I am so glad that she sees how hard I am working. It is such an honor. I hope I can live up to the expectations that I have now set for myself. She told me she sees how hard Im working and even with all the problems I have Im not just giving up. She sees how well I put up with my Tzevvet. Im so happy to say I received such an honor. It really means so much to me. Im really glad my hard work is being noticed. 

 Thats my Plugot. Course Lahava.

After the Tekkas we had 50 minutes to do what ever. So I met my friend Sharon's family then just kinda sat down and talked to other soldiers. That was about it before time was up and we went to eat. I was lucky and went back to Kitchen Duty. Note that I love kitchen duty. Its ALOT of fun. You dont really do anything until its the guys turn to eat. They are funny. So they make it worth it because they are just so ridiculous and really dont know how to eat. But clean up time... yeah thats not so much fun.

Okay so till next time guys :)