At first I ignored it but constantly hearing the remarks and seeing the mean looks I get from people bigger then me made me feel super self conscious. I HATE going out to the beach/pool with people bigger then me. I hate when they look at me with that "look". It's the "look" I can't explain but you know it when you see it. Jealousy. Envy. Hatred.
The media has blurred peoples images of what humans should look like. The last article proves it whole heartedly. People think normalcy is to be fat. Normalcy should be healthy. What you are comfortable as. Not what the TV wants. It's what you want.
Here is my article as well as the two linked articles.
The first photo was february 2010. The second June 2008.
Just Because I'm Skinny Doesn't Mean I have an Eating Disorder.
by Me on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 10:20pm
I read this article and I agree. This article is about Megan Fox and her weight.
People are so desperate to be skinny and caught up in this "Skinny Fad" that their ignorance and jealousy consumes them. Just because you see a skinny girl doesn't mean this person has an eating disorder. The bullying to skinny people is just as bad as people who are overweight. There are problems on both sides. One common problem that can cause a fast or slow metabolism is your Thyroid. Yeah, your thyroid. I bet you didn't think of that. I bet you didn't even know you had one. Your body pretty much revolves around that gland in your neck. It controls just about everything.
I know from personal experience that people just assume Im anorexic or bulimic. I hate when people talk about my weight. I absolutely hate it. I get it, Im skinny. Thank you for noticing. No Im not anorexic or bulimic. Anemic yes, but no eating disorders.
I try to eat right and exercise as much as I can. But I do it the RIGHT way. Yes there is a right way.
Why is that people only notice that Im skinny. I do know that people happen to think that Im a size 0 or something but I'm not. I'm actually bigger. I know its shocking to understand but I am.
I think instead being so caught up in diets and fads and caring about looks people should actually learn about their body. The human body. Every single body is different. Metabolism all depends on your body and genetics.
I know that I'm lucky. I have a healthy body, but I work hard for it. Not to be skinny but to be healthy. I know people have gone crazy telling me to go to doctors and get checked out and while Im at it, go get some therapy for my "disorder". It's just total bull. Really. I hate it. You people don't know anything about me or these celebrities you see on tv. But thats just it. You see them, you don't know them. It doesnt matter. You will believe what you want in the end.
To appease everyone I did go to my doctor. I dont have a disorder. In fact he told me that my body type is skinny. Very skinny. The same type of body type my mother has. Im 20 and a size smaller then her. Shes in her early 50's and a size 4. A size 4 for her looks like she a has meat on her bones. When we talked to my doctor when I was a size 0 he told me that I could lost a little more weight and still be in a perfect weight category for my body type. Im tall and thin. I stick to the right foods. I was brought up on the right foods. I take care of myself. That doesn't mean I have an eating disorder.
The bullying and comments I get are just so mean, cruel, and ignorant and I just think it's so stupid. Some people are naturally skinny.
Being "skinny" isn't a "fad", it's a body type. There are tons of body types out there.
When I was at Tel Aviv University- I was sitting with 2 of my room mates and we decided to tell each other what our first impressions of each other were, when we saw our facebook profiles before we met. One of the girls told me she thought I was going to be fat because my arms look like they are jiggly and have fat on them.
That statement says alot about where her mind is. She isn't a mean horrible person. But she focuses on looks rather then what a possible personality might be. It wasn't "I thought you were going to be a bitch." or "You look like you're super nice." Through out my time of living with her I noticed she was look and weight obsessed. She was constantly on diets. Telling me the food I was eating was going to make me fat. That doesn't make you a bad person at all. But we have different bodies. I know what I can and can't eat.
If I want to eat Ravioli Alfredo then I will. I will also eat that hamburger thats 500 calories and drink that soda. I will eat it and I will love it. So yeah. No eating disorder. Im fine. Annoyed by the constant pressures of what people should look like and the constant criticizing of my weight- hell yeah. Im not perfect. I don't have the perfect body. There are things I would like to change but I cant. I don't criticize everyone I see about their weight or their looks because I don't know their bodies. Hell I might not even know the person. Its not my place to judge and neither is it yours. You dont know me and I dont know you. So just SHUT THE FUCK UP! Im skinny get used to it.
I look skinny, but my arms dont.
Prom 2008
See the body changes. 2011/03/24/overweight-moms -children/?ncid=webmail
Everyone should read this.
Everyone should read this.
I very much agree!!! The "norma" is so mixed up. It's all about being healthy.