25 March 2011

Nahal PicBadge Creation

I made this PicBadge on facebook and I decided to share it with everyone and hopefully gain some supporters so more people can use it and see it.

Nahal is a great and an important unit in the history of Israel.
They helped set up many settlements and kibbutzes in Israel giving many many many people a place to live. Alot of their soldiers are Lone Soldiers like myself who come from all over the world. 
They are also the first Infantry Unit to allow women to be combat soldiers. This brigade or section of Nahal is called Karakal. The Karakal girls have my respect. I wish I could be in Karakal. I admire them so much. I love what they are doing for Israel and what they represent to women and girls all over the world.
Nahal soldiers have been the nicest and most interesting soldiers I have ever met. They aren't into themselves and mean and overstepping their unit pride. Im not saying that every single soldier from the other infantry units(Golani, Givati) are like this but the other units are known for being stuck up and so into themselves for being the "best". 
Nahal is the youngest brigade out of the 3 main brigades in Israel which is probably why they are the under dog in this little contest.
I am proud to wear my green beret and I love seeing other soldiers who have the green beret.
My facebook photo looks like this:

I think I might make more of my photos like this. I feel this is a really great way to show my respect and support for my favorite Infantry Unit in Israel. I love my green beret.

1 comment:

  1. Hola, mi nombre es Marcelo,hoy conoci tu blog por pimera vez y me parece muy interesante.
    Puedes visitar el mio http://hamaguen.blogspot.com/
