25 April 2010

Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer

          On April 22, last thursday, I spent my day at the army base Tel Hashomer for my Lishkat Gius. The section of the Tel Hashomer base I went to was called Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer. It is the main recruitment center for all of the recruits. I had to be there at 9 to start my tests. So I got there 10 minutes early after a ride with a rude taxi driver. Im really glad I left at 815 instead of 830. The traffic was crazy.
           I waited with some orthodox boy. He is from Denver I think. To be honest I dont really remember where he is from let alone his name. I think it was Lizor. I dont know. He was with me for the first hour since we were both the only ones with Mahal.
          We talked to Avishag, she was the soldier in charge of our documents and profiles. She talked with us each individually for 5 minutes, copied our passports, then took us to our next interview/test. It started off first as an interview. It was basically just answering questions about ourselves. The important information, where we graduated, if we want to be in the army, what we like to do. That kind of stuff. Then it turned into a hebrew test. How well can we speak, write, listen, and read. They ask you to tell them about what you are doing in hebrew and to go into detail in hebrew. For me this was hard because with hebrew when I get put on the spot I freeze. I was doing good with the light conversational hebrew. Once she said I want to hear you speak. I froze. So then she asked me to read a few sentences and to translate them. It was kind of hard. I couldn't translate the full sentences. Last part of the hebrew test, she asked me to write the sentences she said. I made a few mistakes. That wasn't so bad. It would have been nice to know what I was writing. I was able to fix the mistakes I made.
          After the first part was over, it was 1045 so I went to the medical section. I had the urine test first. I had to drink a bottle first. I started regretting the fact that I brought a 1.5 liter bottle. I finished it in like 20 minutes. I think I drank to much water because legit, started to feel sick. So the first time I had to pee, I handed in my cup waited 30-40 minutes only for them to tell me I didn't drink enough.  So they told me to go to the doctor drink a bottle again then pee in a cup again. During the 30-40 minutes I went to the bathroom once. So after waiting for the doctor for 5 minutes I just went to the bathroom without getting another bottle. Oooohhh such a rebel I am. lol. jk. So I handed in the second cup where I waited another 30-40 minutes. I got a normal result. Thank god. Okay so that put the time to around almost 1.
         I finished the first test then I had to scan my passport into a scanner and find out what place I was in line. I got number 2. I was soo so soso grateful for place 2. Pff yeah right. I waited an hour then asked why people after me were going before me. They didnt have an answer. So I waited another half hour before asking and then the information desk said they just went to lunch and will be back soon. Okay so now its 330 and I finally get to see the doctor. Im with 3 other girls. They are all 15 and 16. One girl was so obnoxious and surprised that I am a chayal boded. She started telling everyone passing by. And I mean by telling I mean by screaming it. Most people would look at me and could tell I was embarrassed, so they would smile at me and nod and then just look at her and say "Okay..." and walk away. I could tell the girl's intentions were good. She was really sweet for being so loud and obnoxious. The other girls were great too. They helped me and asked my name and tried to get to know me. It was really sweet. They asked me to sit with them. We had our weight and height checked first and had to look at a book of numbers to see if we could figure out what the numbers were. Then it was a 10 minute wait where we had to take our socks and shoes off and had an individual meeting with the doctor. We answered some health questions and then had a physical. You know the spine test thing. That was pretty much it. Then I had to get my eye sight tested because I forgot my glasses. heh. woopsy. Unfortunately my tests were not done, I got a note to get my heart checked by a cardiologist(on my own time). I also have to go back next thursday to have my blood tested which they are doing thankfully.
          So now its 4 pm and thankfully Im done with the medical for the day. I had one more test. It was a timed computer test. Just answering matching block questions. It took 45 minutes. It was bad at all. So now that I was done with that, I was able to go home. First I had to go to Avishag to finish up anything else I had to do. She set me up with one last interview who asked the normal "why? when? what do you want to do? where would you like to be? who do you know? have you been in trouble with the law?" That kind of stuff. He also explained things I wasnt clear on and answered questions. After those 15 minutes I was able to leave. I grabbed a taxi and went home. I finally got back to the dorms at 6 pm and got ready for my Enlistment Party. :)
That will be another post... with pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. I learned a lot reading about your day, Becky. Sounds like you're taking care of business.
