So I know a few posts ago I mentioned that Im quite a little adventure in the army right now, I figured I might as well just explain what I can now. I have time to kill. למה לא? (Why not?)
Over that past few months I've been thinking seriously about whether or not to extend my service and do the Officer's Course. It's 6-8 months and you are home about one weekend a month. Its 3 months basic training and 3 months business type training. Thats not how it is exactly but thats the 6 month course.
I've also been trying to get a hebrew course in there. To be in the Officers Course you need a level 8 in hebrew. Last time I checked about a month/ month and a half ago mine was 5. It has improved since then but Im not an 8. Maybe a 5.5 max. I told my commander I wanted to do the Officer's Course- he said and did nothing. So I went to one of the Shelishut Officers who told me there is a chance I cant get it because I have something called a Khas. In hebrew "קה'ס''. If you have a Kha's over a certain number you cant do anything in the army. No Officers Course, no Gdudim, no nothing. The officer at the shelishut told me what to do and how to get it lowered. I need to speak with a kaban (in hebrew קב''נ). I apparently got my Khas when I was in Michve Alon and spoke to the Kaban there. So it should be relatively easy to lower it. I need to tell him/her "I love Israel, I love the army, Peace, Love, and Happiness, Love Life." So this is what he told me to say to her word for word in english. Needless to say I laughed. I then asked how I see the kaban and thats the hard part(It takes about a month in order to get a meeting-sometimes more. Everyone wants to get out of the army- here's me the idiot trying to stay in. Woo go me!) One my commander needs to call the kaban and set up an appointment. So yeah he cant even do that. He didn't know where it was, let alone what to do. I went there when he told me too and they told me I needed an appointment. I told them it was urgent but that doesn't really matter because they don't care. I got an appointment(this was end of january mind you) for over a month later in March. That was horrible. I got the papers I needed for my commander to fill out who wasn't even on base(again). I went to the shelishut where the head officer called my commander multiple times and ordered him into base so he could fill out the forms for me. She then started calling the Kaban multiple times(who wasn't answering at all) to try and get my appointment moved up to that week. It didn't work we couldn't get in touch with them.
I called and I got threw (go figure.), they told me I need a recommendation from my commander as well as the Sgen Aluf. The Sgen Aluf is the Lieutenant Colonel in american terms. He is the Unit Commander for my Unit and section.
I got a meeting with him less then a week later. He was super nice. He asked me where I came from, when I joined and all the normal questions. He then asked me why I had a Khas so I explained the situation of when I was in Michve Alon. Apparently, I misunderstood the question, he ment why do I have it. What made them think I had anger issues and couldn't adapt to my environment and things like that. I told him I didn't even know I had one till now. This is the first time I'm hearing about it. I did great in Michve Alon. I went through most of it without a place to call my own or a place to put my things. I didn't act out badly in any way or hit/hurt anyone. That's alot more then I can say for most of the girls in my plugah. I had respect for all of my commanders and treated everyone with respect. There's really no reason to have one. The L.C. told me that if I have something like this I need to be informed, they can't just give it to me without telling me. It's completely wrong and creates situations like this. He wrote my recommendation to the Kaban and sent it to him/her but they didn't call or answer us even by email. We were told to check it everyday. We got nothing, we also called and got nothing. So now in 9 days I have my appointment to try and get it lowered. Im going to try and speak to the Kaban as much as possible in hebrew so he/she can see and hear the drastic improvement I've made since Michve Alon. When I saw the Kaban at Michve Alon I spoke to her in english- just english. Im going to try and hope hebrew will work for me that day. So now this can only be known as the infamous waiting game and see what happens on the day of my meeting.
I'll write Pt.2 after the meeting when I get home.
I have another adventure to post. I think I will call it Adventure Number 2 Part 1. I have no idea. I'll figure it out when I write it.
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