On Thursday April 22 after my day at Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer, I had my OFFICIAL Enlistment Party!!! This time it went great! It was so much fun.
We had the party at Mike's Place. Mike's Place is a bar/grill type place. It's an over all great place to be.
Having the party at 830 was a much better time than 5. Also having it on thursday was so much better then a Friday.
My friends showed up and everyone got along great. The food was fantastic.
We stayed there until 12/1230am. Then we all split into groups and left. First we all made a pitstop at McDonalds since some of friends decided to show up when we were leaving. We stopped at McDonalds for an hour then went back to the dorms.
At the dorms we spent about 2 or 3 hours talking and smoking Nargila on Sam's balcony we went to bed at 3/30 am. It was a great success. Nargila is the hebrew word for Hookah.
Although I must say my favorite thing about the whole night was finally being able to have pictures of David and me. This one is my favorite. :)
Okay guys till next time.
My experience in Israel as a girl from New York and a Lone Soldier in the Israeli Army.
25 April 2010
Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer
On April 22, last thursday, I spent my day at the army base Tel Hashomer for my Lishkat Gius. The section of the Tel Hashomer base I went to was called Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer. It is the main recruitment center for all of the recruits. I had to be there at 9 to start my tests. So I got there 10 minutes early after a ride with a rude taxi driver. Im really glad I left at 815 instead of 830. The traffic was crazy.
I waited with some orthodox boy. He is from Denver I think. To be honest I dont really remember where he is from let alone his name. I think it was Lizor. I dont know. He was with me for the first hour since we were both the only ones with Mahal.
We talked to Avishag, she was the soldier in charge of our documents and profiles. She talked with us each individually for 5 minutes, copied our passports, then took us to our next interview/test. It started off first as an interview. It was basically just answering questions about ourselves. The important information, where we graduated, if we want to be in the army, what we like to do. That kind of stuff. Then it turned into a hebrew test. How well can we speak, write, listen, and read. They ask you to tell them about what you are doing in hebrew and to go into detail in hebrew. For me this was hard because with hebrew when I get put on the spot I freeze. I was doing good with the light conversational hebrew. Once she said I want to hear you speak. I froze. So then she asked me to read a few sentences and to translate them. It was kind of hard. I couldn't translate the full sentences. Last part of the hebrew test, she asked me to write the sentences she said. I made a few mistakes. That wasn't so bad. It would have been nice to know what I was writing. I was able to fix the mistakes I made.
After the first part was over, it was 1045 so I went to the medical section. I had the urine test first. I had to drink a bottle first. I started regretting the fact that I brought a 1.5 liter bottle. I finished it in like 20 minutes. I think I drank to much water because legit, started to feel sick. So the first time I had to pee, I handed in my cup waited 30-40 minutes only for them to tell me I didn't drink enough. So they told me to go to the doctor drink a bottle again then pee in a cup again. During the 30-40 minutes I went to the bathroom once. So after waiting for the doctor for 5 minutes I just went to the bathroom without getting another bottle. Oooohhh such a rebel I am. lol. jk. So I handed in the second cup where I waited another 30-40 minutes. I got a normal result. Thank god. Okay so that put the time to around almost 1.
I finished the first test then I had to scan my passport into a scanner and find out what place I was in line. I got number 2. I was soo so soso grateful for place 2. Pff yeah right. I waited an hour then asked why people after me were going before me. They didnt have an answer. So I waited another half hour before asking and then the information desk said they just went to lunch and will be back soon. Okay so now its 330 and I finally get to see the doctor. Im with 3 other girls. They are all 15 and 16. One girl was so obnoxious and surprised that I am a chayal boded. She started telling everyone passing by. And I mean by telling I mean by screaming it. Most people would look at me and could tell I was embarrassed, so they would smile at me and nod and then just look at her and say "Okay..." and walk away. I could tell the girl's intentions were good. She was really sweet for being so loud and obnoxious. The other girls were great too. They helped me and asked my name and tried to get to know me. It was really sweet. They asked me to sit with them. We had our weight and height checked first and had to look at a book of numbers to see if we could figure out what the numbers were. Then it was a 10 minute wait where we had to take our socks and shoes off and had an individual meeting with the doctor. We answered some health questions and then had a physical. You know the spine test thing. That was pretty much it. Then I had to get my eye sight tested because I forgot my glasses. heh. woopsy. Unfortunately my tests were not done, I got a note to get my heart checked by a cardiologist(on my own time). I also have to go back next thursday to have my blood tested which they are doing thankfully.
So now its 4 pm and thankfully Im done with the medical for the day. I had one more test. It was a timed computer test. Just answering matching block questions. It took 45 minutes. It was bad at all. So now that I was done with that, I was able to go home. First I had to go to Avishag to finish up anything else I had to do. She set me up with one last interview who asked the normal "why? when? what do you want to do? where would you like to be? who do you know? have you been in trouble with the law?" That kind of stuff. He also explained things I wasnt clear on and answered questions. After those 15 minutes I was able to leave. I grabbed a taxi and went home. I finally got back to the dorms at 6 pm and got ready for my Enlistment Party. :)
That will be another post... with pictures :)
I waited with some orthodox boy. He is from Denver I think. To be honest I dont really remember where he is from let alone his name. I think it was Lizor. I dont know. He was with me for the first hour since we were both the only ones with Mahal.
We talked to Avishag, she was the soldier in charge of our documents and profiles. She talked with us each individually for 5 minutes, copied our passports, then took us to our next interview/test. It started off first as an interview. It was basically just answering questions about ourselves. The important information, where we graduated, if we want to be in the army, what we like to do. That kind of stuff. Then it turned into a hebrew test. How well can we speak, write, listen, and read. They ask you to tell them about what you are doing in hebrew and to go into detail in hebrew. For me this was hard because with hebrew when I get put on the spot I freeze. I was doing good with the light conversational hebrew. Once she said I want to hear you speak. I froze. So then she asked me to read a few sentences and to translate them. It was kind of hard. I couldn't translate the full sentences. Last part of the hebrew test, she asked me to write the sentences she said. I made a few mistakes. That wasn't so bad. It would have been nice to know what I was writing. I was able to fix the mistakes I made.
After the first part was over, it was 1045 so I went to the medical section. I had the urine test first. I had to drink a bottle first. I started regretting the fact that I brought a 1.5 liter bottle. I finished it in like 20 minutes. I think I drank to much water because legit, started to feel sick. So the first time I had to pee, I handed in my cup waited 30-40 minutes only for them to tell me I didn't drink enough. So they told me to go to the doctor drink a bottle again then pee in a cup again. During the 30-40 minutes I went to the bathroom once. So after waiting for the doctor for 5 minutes I just went to the bathroom without getting another bottle. Oooohhh such a rebel I am. lol. jk. So I handed in the second cup where I waited another 30-40 minutes. I got a normal result. Thank god. Okay so that put the time to around almost 1.
I finished the first test then I had to scan my passport into a scanner and find out what place I was in line. I got number 2. I was soo so soso grateful for place 2. Pff yeah right. I waited an hour then asked why people after me were going before me. They didnt have an answer. So I waited another half hour before asking and then the information desk said they just went to lunch and will be back soon. Okay so now its 330 and I finally get to see the doctor. Im with 3 other girls. They are all 15 and 16. One girl was so obnoxious and surprised that I am a chayal boded. She started telling everyone passing by. And I mean by telling I mean by screaming it. Most people would look at me and could tell I was embarrassed, so they would smile at me and nod and then just look at her and say "Okay..." and walk away. I could tell the girl's intentions were good. She was really sweet for being so loud and obnoxious. The other girls were great too. They helped me and asked my name and tried to get to know me. It was really sweet. They asked me to sit with them. We had our weight and height checked first and had to look at a book of numbers to see if we could figure out what the numbers were. Then it was a 10 minute wait where we had to take our socks and shoes off and had an individual meeting with the doctor. We answered some health questions and then had a physical. You know the spine test thing. That was pretty much it. Then I had to get my eye sight tested because I forgot my glasses. heh. woopsy. Unfortunately my tests were not done, I got a note to get my heart checked by a cardiologist(on my own time). I also have to go back next thursday to have my blood tested which they are doing thankfully.
So now its 4 pm and thankfully Im done with the medical for the day. I had one more test. It was a timed computer test. Just answering matching block questions. It took 45 minutes. It was bad at all. So now that I was done with that, I was able to go home. First I had to go to Avishag to finish up anything else I had to do. She set me up with one last interview who asked the normal "why? when? what do you want to do? where would you like to be? who do you know? have you been in trouble with the law?" That kind of stuff. He also explained things I wasnt clear on and answered questions. After those 15 minutes I was able to leave. I grabbed a taxi and went home. I finally got back to the dorms at 6 pm and got ready for my Enlistment Party. :)
That will be another post... with pictures :)
23 April 2010
Enlistment Party Attempt 1
So I had my Enlistment Party on Friday, April 9. It started at 5 so we could see the sunset on the beach. We went to Banana Bar on Banana Beach. When Sam and I went there and made reservations we were told 30 shekels per person and it was Open Menu/Bar for those who paid the 30 shekels. We got there and they changed the price to 35 shekels and said they would just hold a few tables for us. Not cool. We stayed an hour and then left. To be honest it kind of sucked. People didn't show up and those that did show up, showed up 3-4 hours late. After an hour of waiting at the beach we left and went to Mike's Place. Mike's Place is an American Bar/Restaurant. It is next to the American Embassy.
It's rather embarrassing to even be writing this.
But when we did get to Mike's Place and had cheaper more appropriate prices, we had food and drinks. It turned out to be alot of fun. Sometimes being in small groups is better then being in a giant big group where you have more people that you need to pay attention too. Sometimes it's even harder where not everyone knows each other so its combining two/more different groups. Sometimes that can lead to unwanted drama.
After we left Mike's Place we came back to the dorms and had drinks and snacks on my balcony just talking.
Oh and by "We" I mean Sam, Me, David, and his two friends Liron and Gal. The two that showed up super late were Elad and Matan. They left after an hour and almost left without paying. Sam and I didn't like that. Luckily we got them before they left.
Still, I had fun. Sam and I decided to throw an attempt 2. We decided on Mike's Place but that will be another blog post. :)
It's rather embarrassing to even be writing this.
But when we did get to Mike's Place and had cheaper more appropriate prices, we had food and drinks. It turned out to be alot of fun. Sometimes being in small groups is better then being in a giant big group where you have more people that you need to pay attention too. Sometimes it's even harder where not everyone knows each other so its combining two/more different groups. Sometimes that can lead to unwanted drama.
After we left Mike's Place we came back to the dorms and had drinks and snacks on my balcony just talking.
Oh and by "We" I mean Sam, Me, David, and his two friends Liron and Gal. The two that showed up super late were Elad and Matan. They left after an hour and almost left without paying. Sam and I didn't like that. Luckily we got them before they left.
Still, I had fun. Sam and I decided to throw an attempt 2. We decided on Mike's Place but that will be another blog post. :)
YOM HAATZMAUT!!!! Israel is 62!
Okay so Tuesday April 20 is Israel's Independence Day! It was so much fun. Such a great day. Everybody is smiling, laughing, dancing in the streets, and just having a grand old time. Kids even have shaving cream fights. I only thought those were for Halloween or Mischief Night. Proven wrong Monday night. It started like the other holidays, the evening before. This day had 2 or 3 sirens I think though. One at the beginning, on at the height of the day, and Im not sure but I think one ending the holiday. The one at the height of the day, I was at a hair/nail salon with Sam, Lauren, and Rebecca. Everyone there almost didn't hear it go off including us. It was also the longest siren to go off out of the 3 holidays. Most seemed to be one minute while this one seemed to be two.
The first photo (above) is from the Independence Day Ceremony at Rabin Sqaure or in hebrew Cicar Rabin. Pronounced Ke-car Ra- Bean. It was so much fun. There were hundred of people there. They had fireworks and a very large concert. The first set was a group of soldiers I believe. I have videos that Im trying to upload. When they are uploaded I will post them on here for you to see.

Yom Hazikaron
Yom Hazikaron is Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers. Its the same thing as Memorial Day in America. It is the day before Yom Haatzmaut which is Israeli Independence Day.
Every year the IDF Chief in Staff places a rock on the grave of the most recent fallen soldier. He also places a wreath on Mt.Herzl. The Chief of Staff in Israel is Gabi Ashkenazi.
Again, just like Yom Hashoah, the siren went off.
This time it was around 8 at night. Yom Hazikaron starts in the evening just like Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron.
I finally figured out what the siren reminds me off. Well not really the siren more like the reactions. When the siren sounds everything stops. People just stop. Well it reminded me of the movie The Happening by M.Night.Shyamalan. Well it only reminded me of how the people just stop moving. It didnt remind me of what happens after they stop moving in the movie.
I'll write more blogs later. This is the list. Yom Haatzmaut, Enlistment Party Attempt 1, Enlistment Party Success, Day 1 of Lishkat Gius (what an experience), and I think Israeli Banking/ Cellphone Companies.
Hag Sameach Leculam!! :)
17 April 2010
Yom Ha Shoah
Monday was Yom Ha Shoah. Yom Ha Shoah is remembrance day of the Holocaust.
In America we dont have Holocaust Remembrance Day. So it's safe to say that this was my first Holocaust Remembrance Day... Well official and in Israel.
In America growing up I learned about the Holocaust in Hebrew School, the Temple, High School, and my family. My Grandma and my Omi were from Germany. So was the rest of their family before they were murdered by the Nazis.
Omi is the german word for Grandma. Omi was my Grandmas mom.
On Yom Ha Shoah between 12-1 (the height of everyone's day) EVERYTHING shuts down. Also a 2 minutes alarm sounds. This was one of the things I've never witnessed before in my life. When the alarm sounded everyone stopped what they were doing and stood still. Cars stopped. It didn't matter where they were. The drivers got out of their cars. Those that were walking stopped. Those that were sitting in trains stood. It was very different and very touching to see.
Around 1230 my friends Sam, Rebecca, and I left class to go to the Memorial Service. They recited speeches and told stories and they played the National Anthem.
The whole thing was amazing. Im glad to have been here during it. This upcoming Monday is Memorial Day and then Tuesday is Independence Day. I will have pictures for these two days and a blog for them as well. Right now all of Israel is covered in flags.
I didnt feel comfortable taking pictures of Yom Ha Shoah. BUT heres one of my Grandma, Omi, and I.
In America we dont have Holocaust Remembrance Day. So it's safe to say that this was my first Holocaust Remembrance Day... Well official and in Israel.
In America growing up I learned about the Holocaust in Hebrew School, the Temple, High School, and my family. My Grandma and my Omi were from Germany. So was the rest of their family before they were murdered by the Nazis.
Omi is the german word for Grandma. Omi was my Grandmas mom.
On Yom Ha Shoah between 12-1 (the height of everyone's day) EVERYTHING shuts down. Also a 2 minutes alarm sounds. This was one of the things I've never witnessed before in my life. When the alarm sounded everyone stopped what they were doing and stood still. Cars stopped. It didn't matter where they were. The drivers got out of their cars. Those that were walking stopped. Those that were sitting in trains stood. It was very different and very touching to see.
Around 1230 my friends Sam, Rebecca, and I left class to go to the Memorial Service. They recited speeches and told stories and they played the National Anthem.
The whole thing was amazing. Im glad to have been here during it. This upcoming Monday is Memorial Day and then Tuesday is Independence Day. I will have pictures for these two days and a blog for them as well. Right now all of Israel is covered in flags.
I didnt feel comfortable taking pictures of Yom Ha Shoah. BUT heres one of my Grandma, Omi, and I.
07 April 2010
Mahal IDF: Signing Up. My Firsthand Account.
Hey guyssss!!!! What's up?
Okay so I've been saying Im a Chayal Boded. And people who send me messages on facebook and in person ask how exactly I came to do this. As a result Im going to write about it in a blog post :)
This is the actual steps I went through. People my have different experiences. For one most volunteers are men. Me, Im obviously not. So this will be different then what most volunteers go through. Please don't think that it is always like this.
Firstly I studied the Mahal website (http://www.mahal-idf-volunteers.org/index.html) like there was no tomorrow. For months I did research... LOTS of research. I was going through website after website. Talking to so many people. I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I HATE doing things blindly. I can be impulsive and like to do things without thinking it through but this was just too big to mess up.
So after reading the website for a final time BEFORE filling out the email registration form I thought long and hard for about 2 or 3 days. Literally. I left my computer on day and night so I wouldnt have to keep filling it out.
The email registration form isn't actually an official registration, it only says that you are interested. Within a day(Much quicker then i was led to believe) I got an email back explaining the qualifications and if I qualified. I did. Then I got another email with a bunch of steps. I had a medical form to fill out. I had to get a proof of Judaism letter that was signed by my rabbi. I also needed my birth certificate and my passport. Your passport has to be valid for at least 2 years after the desired enlistment date. On the top of the Procedure Email I received it had the dates for an enlistment with Ulpan and an enlistment without Ulpan. I chose with Ulpan. Its May 5.
I went to my doctor and him fill out the medical form. Easy enough. Getting the letter was slightly difficult. The temple in my town keeps changing rabbis. :( Frustrating. I sent an email asking if I should get an email from the present rabbi or the one who knows me best. I was told to try and get the letter from Rabbi Sternstein, the one who knows me best. The problem with this would be one he lives in Upstate New York and its January/February.... middle of blizzards. Even sent overnight it took 4 days to just get to his house due to the stormy weather conditions.
So, unfortunately I didn't get the letter until a week after my meeting with Mahal.
I had to leave for Israel. I made my appointment with Mahal and a few days before I left I realized I couldn't find my medical form! Ahhh!! The drama. My mom said she'd send it with the Jewish letter. I got it a week later so it was okay.
I finally got my meeting with Mahal(You have to schedule the appointment yourself). It was VERY nerve wracking to say the least. The soldier in charge of Mahal accidently told me the wrong room. woops. No biggy. He was on the phone for a looong time anyway. So we talked for a little bit. He told me a bit of whats going to happen. I will most likely be in the troop Nachal (http://dover.idf.il/IDF/English/units/forces/ground/infantry/nachal/default.htm). The army will find me a place to live, most likely an apartment, and after a year I get to go back to America for a month. He also talked about the benefits of Chayal Boded. He gave me official forms to sign and photocopied my passport. Silly me marked the wrong track. I accidently checked the Short Term Haredi Path. Thats for only religious men. Not me. At all. But its okay he fixed it.
Then Shaked( Yeah by the way thats the soldier in charge of Mahal) printed out my visa extension permission form and gave me a paper with more steps to follow. When I received my Medical form and Jewish Letter I had to go the Jewish Agency. At the Jewish Agency I had to get my Jewish Letter signed. Sounds easy enough. The person I needed to sign it didn't speak english. She spoke spanish. You would think that the Jewish Agency would speak english also. Guess not. But I was thanking my lucky starts I took spanish classes in middle school and high school. I've been forgetting it since coming to Israel and learning hebrew. Im glad I was able to remember some of it.
After the letter was signed(the process took about an hour maybe less) my next step was visa extension. I went the next day. I found when going to the Ministry of Interior, it's best to go an hour before it opens. So 7 am gets you a good spot online. I waited for an hour then finally got in. I was the first person to be helped but the person next to me needed help. So they helped her since she was fussing and they figured it'd be better to get her out of there. After 5 minutes of my actual process I had my visa extended for 2 years. I thought it was awesome since they extended it for free! FREE! So cool. Usually a student visa for one semester is 150 shekels. For multiple entry student visa its 300 shekels. I got this 2 year extension for free. Love it.
After I finished the visa and letter, I photocopied the visa and faxed everything over to Shaked. I didn't hear back from him, so I called him and was like "whatsa goin on?"(not really. i just asked if he got it) Turns out he lost it. So that set me back a week. I faxed it again immediately after talking to him, called him again this time he said he got it. I was about 2 minutes late for my midterm. Now alls I had to do was wait for a phone call from someone named Ofer. So almost a month has passed and nothing. The Mahal Email isn't working. They aren't answering their phones. Fun. Great. Just what I wanted. Well I finally got in touch with Shaked today. Only took like forever. He was shocked that I haven't heard from Ofer yet so now I'm waiting for a phone call from Ofer. So now that's all I can do is wait. If I dont hear from him by Sunday Im calling again on Sunday. I also found out that they don't give me a place to live until my draft date. So far Im good. I have the dorms. Im set until then. My enlistment party will happen before I even find out when my tests are told!
My Enlistment Party is on Friday!!! Im so excited. Im also very nervous. Yesterday David said he might not be able to make it due to the army. Bummer dude, seriously. He said he is going to do what ever he can to come. I really hope he can make it. I'd love for him to be there with me. He will get to meet the friends I have at Tel Aviv University and my other Israeli friends. His friends- who are super cool by the way- are coming. Im excited. They are awesome. I will post pictures from the party on a blog post specifically for the party.
Till then dudes, I need to make some food. Im hungry.
Okay so I've been saying Im a Chayal Boded. And people who send me messages on facebook and in person ask how exactly I came to do this. As a result Im going to write about it in a blog post :)
This is the actual steps I went through. People my have different experiences. For one most volunteers are men. Me, Im obviously not. So this will be different then what most volunteers go through. Please don't think that it is always like this.
Firstly I studied the Mahal website (http://www.mahal-idf-volunteers.org/index.html) like there was no tomorrow. For months I did research... LOTS of research. I was going through website after website. Talking to so many people. I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I HATE doing things blindly. I can be impulsive and like to do things without thinking it through but this was just too big to mess up.
So after reading the website for a final time BEFORE filling out the email registration form I thought long and hard for about 2 or 3 days. Literally. I left my computer on day and night so I wouldnt have to keep filling it out.
The email registration form isn't actually an official registration, it only says that you are interested. Within a day(Much quicker then i was led to believe) I got an email back explaining the qualifications and if I qualified. I did. Then I got another email with a bunch of steps. I had a medical form to fill out. I had to get a proof of Judaism letter that was signed by my rabbi. I also needed my birth certificate and my passport. Your passport has to be valid for at least 2 years after the desired enlistment date. On the top of the Procedure Email I received it had the dates for an enlistment with Ulpan and an enlistment without Ulpan. I chose with Ulpan. Its May 5.
I went to my doctor and him fill out the medical form. Easy enough. Getting the letter was slightly difficult. The temple in my town keeps changing rabbis. :( Frustrating. I sent an email asking if I should get an email from the present rabbi or the one who knows me best. I was told to try and get the letter from Rabbi Sternstein, the one who knows me best. The problem with this would be one he lives in Upstate New York and its January/February.... middle of blizzards. Even sent overnight it took 4 days to just get to his house due to the stormy weather conditions.
So, unfortunately I didn't get the letter until a week after my meeting with Mahal.
I had to leave for Israel. I made my appointment with Mahal and a few days before I left I realized I couldn't find my medical form! Ahhh!! The drama. My mom said she'd send it with the Jewish letter. I got it a week later so it was okay.
I finally got my meeting with Mahal(You have to schedule the appointment yourself). It was VERY nerve wracking to say the least. The soldier in charge of Mahal accidently told me the wrong room. woops. No biggy. He was on the phone for a looong time anyway. So we talked for a little bit. He told me a bit of whats going to happen. I will most likely be in the troop Nachal (http://dover.idf.il/IDF/English/units/forces/ground/infantry/nachal/default.htm). The army will find me a place to live, most likely an apartment, and after a year I get to go back to America for a month. He also talked about the benefits of Chayal Boded. He gave me official forms to sign and photocopied my passport. Silly me marked the wrong track. I accidently checked the Short Term Haredi Path. Thats for only religious men. Not me. At all. But its okay he fixed it.
Then Shaked( Yeah by the way thats the soldier in charge of Mahal) printed out my visa extension permission form and gave me a paper with more steps to follow. When I received my Medical form and Jewish Letter I had to go the Jewish Agency. At the Jewish Agency I had to get my Jewish Letter signed. Sounds easy enough. The person I needed to sign it didn't speak english. She spoke spanish. You would think that the Jewish Agency would speak english also. Guess not. But I was thanking my lucky starts I took spanish classes in middle school and high school. I've been forgetting it since coming to Israel and learning hebrew. Im glad I was able to remember some of it.
After the letter was signed(the process took about an hour maybe less) my next step was visa extension. I went the next day. I found when going to the Ministry of Interior, it's best to go an hour before it opens. So 7 am gets you a good spot online. I waited for an hour then finally got in. I was the first person to be helped but the person next to me needed help. So they helped her since she was fussing and they figured it'd be better to get her out of there. After 5 minutes of my actual process I had my visa extended for 2 years. I thought it was awesome since they extended it for free! FREE! So cool. Usually a student visa for one semester is 150 shekels. For multiple entry student visa its 300 shekels. I got this 2 year extension for free. Love it.
After I finished the visa and letter, I photocopied the visa and faxed everything over to Shaked. I didn't hear back from him, so I called him and was like "whatsa goin on?"(not really. i just asked if he got it) Turns out he lost it. So that set me back a week. I faxed it again immediately after talking to him, called him again this time he said he got it. I was about 2 minutes late for my midterm. Now alls I had to do was wait for a phone call from someone named Ofer. So almost a month has passed and nothing. The Mahal Email isn't working. They aren't answering their phones. Fun. Great. Just what I wanted. Well I finally got in touch with Shaked today. Only took like forever. He was shocked that I haven't heard from Ofer yet so now I'm waiting for a phone call from Ofer. So now that's all I can do is wait. If I dont hear from him by Sunday Im calling again on Sunday. I also found out that they don't give me a place to live until my draft date. So far Im good. I have the dorms. Im set until then. My enlistment party will happen before I even find out when my tests are told!
My Enlistment Party is on Friday!!! Im so excited. Im also very nervous. Yesterday David said he might not be able to make it due to the army. Bummer dude, seriously. He said he is going to do what ever he can to come. I really hope he can make it. I'd love for him to be there with me. He will get to meet the friends I have at Tel Aviv University and my other Israeli friends. His friends- who are super cool by the way- are coming. Im excited. They are awesome. I will post pictures from the party on a blog post specifically for the party.
Till then dudes, I need to make some food. Im hungry.
03 April 2010
Day 2 of the South Trip: Bedouin Tent
Hey guys! How are you?
Now as I said before the second day of the south trip I didnt do. They went to Ben Gurions Grave. When they came back we all went to dinner at a Bedouin Tent. It was very very cool. I didnt take pictures of this so I will show pictures that my friends took.
I also have hiking pictures from the first day of Ha Maktesh.
Okay so this picture to the left was at the very start of Ha Maktesh. It was taken by Lauren.
This one I believe was taken by Rebecca. (No silly not me) I am the one in all black with a hood on my head and I have a black back pack.
Okay now onto Bedouin Tent dinner.
This is my friend Nate and I. This was taken by Lauren but on Nate's camera.
This was our dinner. All the tables were on the floor and we sat on giant pillows.
Tea, Grapefruit juice and I think coffee.
Okay this was the man in charge. my table took to calling him Big Poppa Bedouin. He set this dinner up for us and at the end told us all about the Bedouins including their new camel named Toyota. Hes from Japan and doesnt need to eat and drink all the time.
Now as I said before the second day of the south trip I didnt do. They went to Ben Gurions Grave. When they came back we all went to dinner at a Bedouin Tent. It was very very cool. I didnt take pictures of this so I will show pictures that my friends took.
I also have hiking pictures from the first day of Ha Maktesh.
Okay so this picture to the left was at the very start of Ha Maktesh. It was taken by Lauren.

Okay now onto Bedouin Tent dinner.
This is my friend Nate and I. This was taken by Lauren but on Nate's camera.
GROUP SHOT! I think Laurens camera. Im not sure. I dont entirely remember.
L-R Top: Mackenzie, Blair, Me
L-R Bottom: Celia, Rebecca, Lauren, Nate
Okay so these photos are from Lauren. The group shot is from Laurens camera. Just checked.

The bottom image is of Big Poppa Bedouin when he was talking about their ways and history. The wooden machine on the floor left of him is a Tradition Bedouin Coffee Maker. It also makes noises that have different meanings like when a guest is coming, a guest is here, there is a party, etc...
01 April 2010
Pesach פסח(Passover) Fun fact ;)
So I needed food today. I haven't really been at the dorms so I didnt really need food. I went food shopping naturally and found something rather shocking. To me it was shocking since Im from New York. But now that I think about it, its rather logical for Israel.
In the supermarkets all of the bread/grain products are covered or removed from the shelves. You can not buy any of it. When Passover is over then you can buy bread/grain products. I wish I knew so I could have bought things on Sunday before I left. Its good to know though for future reference.
I was hungry and so I went to the food court and figured Id get pizza thinking fast food doesnt count. ...yup fast food does. Sbarro the pizza place was not selling regular pizza. So I left and decided Burger King. They were like yeah we got burgers. Not real buns. I shall wait till next week for my beautiful slice of pizza. It was rather shocking at first. "Ahh what happened to the store? Is there a problem?" Nope, just cant eat bread/grain products during Pesach. Ha sill me. I forgot. Ahh wonderful new experiences in foreign countries. Shufersell:
This is usually just filled with tons of bread and all different kinds. Now its Bamba and potato chips.. and wine.
They had cool decorated covers for their aisles.
In the supermarkets all of the bread/grain products are covered or removed from the shelves. You can not buy any of it. When Passover is over then you can buy bread/grain products. I wish I knew so I could have bought things on Sunday before I left. Its good to know though for future reference.
I was hungry and so I went to the food court and figured Id get pizza thinking fast food doesnt count. ...yup fast food does. Sbarro the pizza place was not selling regular pizza. So I left and decided Burger King. They were like yeah we got burgers. Not real buns. I shall wait till next week for my beautiful slice of pizza. It was rather shocking at first. "Ahh what happened to the store? Is there a problem?" Nope, just cant eat bread/grain products during Pesach. Ha sill me. I forgot. Ahh wonderful new experiences in foreign countries. Shufersell:
Okay till next time peeps. חג שמח :) (Happy Holidays- Hag Sameach)
Some Cool Graffiti
This blog is dedicated to my brother Robert because he loves Legos. :P
So today my friend Sam and I went to look for a beach for my enlistment party. We found it at Banana Beach. Very cool. Im glad finding a location is done. Now its to see how many people will be showing up. We asked the Banana Bar if we could have a party there on the beach and turns out we could rent the place. So we now have an open menu/bar. This takes care of alot of things.We decided to walk a little bit around Dizengoff.
Look! LEGOS!
They were everywhere. Dizengoff is a great place to find Graffiti. Also an excellent place for graffiti is the train station. When I'm on the train at Tel Aviv University Train Station and we are leaving the station you see amazing graffiti. Very talented people. Illegal or not its beautiful. I will try and get some photos of it.
Also here is some random graffiti I found.
I think they ment "Risky"... What do you think? I mean it is a grenade.
Okay so I'm gonna look at some other pictures I took and see what I can post on here in a new blog.
I hope you enjoyed just a very small percentage of the graffiti that can be found here in Tel Aviv.
Passover Holiday
So March 30th was the first night of Pesach or in English Passover. Its 8 days.
Passover is about the remembrance of the Jews being set free from Egypt.
I spent my passover in Jerusalem.
When I finished birthright I chose to participate in a program called Birthright NEXT. It is where Masa helps you learn about Judaism more in depth and helps you get to Israel. I did a program called Partners In Torah. You can learn hebrew and about other topics.
Okay so I told you this so I can tell you this.
Partners in Torah set me up with a nice woman named Chanala. She helped me with my hebrew, learning the letters and the sounding and some words and sentences.
Chanala invited me over to her house for her first Pesach Sedar at her place. I have to say it was definitely the most educating sedar I have ever been to. I am also honored that I would be able to attend her First Sedar. It was 6 hours! From 8pm to 2am. I learned so much about Passover. I learned alot more detail about the 10 plagues and how they are viewed.
Im not going to go into detail because to be honest there was just too much to write about. I did learn one rather cool tradition though. Everyone pours each other's drinks. We are celebrating freedom so therefore we don't need to pour our own drinks.
Also another neat tradition would be the head of the household sits in a giant comfy chair to resemble being a king. I think I might change that up though. Why should it be just the men who get to have such wonderful and comfortable traditions. Also you are supposed to lean when eating and drinking. No sitting up straight- it represents slavery.
I went to bed around 230 am after talking to my mom and telling her about it. The next day around 11 we had another sedar which was around 2 hours I believe.11am-1pm. 2 hours seems about right. A few hours after the sedar Chanala showed me around Ramot Aleph. It is a fairly new Jewish settlement. And yes, you can see the Palestinian/Israeli border from this neighborhood. In fact it has the fence. It was a very beautiful neighborhood. It had such beautiful views. I must go back and take photos. It smelled lovely, there were so many flowers.
I left when passover was over around 740pm. I took the bus to Jerusalem's Central Station.
I got lost getting there. Its very different between night and day. Also I think there are different bus stops... that's probably why I couldnt really find my way. To get to the Ramot Aleph bus stop you have to cross the street Shazar Blv. In the day its easy to see but at night no way at all.
A nice girl named Yasmin showed me. I was definitely going the right way. I knew where to go I was just worried. It was around 9 at night and I really didnt feel like getting lost in Jerusalem. But Yasmin showed me. Shes my age. Im assuming shes my age. She said she was in her 2nd year of Sherut Leumi. Sherut Leumi is the alternative choice instead of the IDF. Its like community service. You help special need people, children, hospitals, schools, etc...
So finally I made it. Then, got lost in the central station. They dont have english in Jerusalem Central Station. Instead of English, they have Russian. You would think that in Jerusalem it would be English and in Tel Aviv it would be Russian. But hey you know. Im sure Ill learn it all one day. Ha me and directions. There is just no communication between me and directions what so ever. after a few minutes I found it and got on the bus to Tel Aviv. Everything after that was smooth sailing. I got home around 11pm. Then woke up early the next day and left around 11 for Davids house. Im getting my traveling pro XP. :P
Passover is about the remembrance of the Jews being set free from Egypt.
I spent my passover in Jerusalem.
When I finished birthright I chose to participate in a program called Birthright NEXT. It is where Masa helps you learn about Judaism more in depth and helps you get to Israel. I did a program called Partners In Torah. You can learn hebrew and about other topics.
Okay so I told you this so I can tell you this.
Partners in Torah set me up with a nice woman named Chanala. She helped me with my hebrew, learning the letters and the sounding and some words and sentences.
Chanala invited me over to her house for her first Pesach Sedar at her place. I have to say it was definitely the most educating sedar I have ever been to. I am also honored that I would be able to attend her First Sedar. It was 6 hours! From 8pm to 2am. I learned so much about Passover. I learned alot more detail about the 10 plagues and how they are viewed.
Im not going to go into detail because to be honest there was just too much to write about. I did learn one rather cool tradition though. Everyone pours each other's drinks. We are celebrating freedom so therefore we don't need to pour our own drinks.
Also another neat tradition would be the head of the household sits in a giant comfy chair to resemble being a king. I think I might change that up though. Why should it be just the men who get to have such wonderful and comfortable traditions. Also you are supposed to lean when eating and drinking. No sitting up straight- it represents slavery.
I went to bed around 230 am after talking to my mom and telling her about it. The next day around 11 we had another sedar which was around 2 hours I believe.11am-1pm. 2 hours seems about right. A few hours after the sedar Chanala showed me around Ramot Aleph. It is a fairly new Jewish settlement. And yes, you can see the Palestinian/Israeli border from this neighborhood. In fact it has the fence. It was a very beautiful neighborhood. It had such beautiful views. I must go back and take photos. It smelled lovely, there were so many flowers.
I left when passover was over around 740pm. I took the bus to Jerusalem's Central Station.
I got lost getting there. Its very different between night and day. Also I think there are different bus stops... that's probably why I couldnt really find my way. To get to the Ramot Aleph bus stop you have to cross the street Shazar Blv. In the day its easy to see but at night no way at all.
A nice girl named Yasmin showed me. I was definitely going the right way. I knew where to go I was just worried. It was around 9 at night and I really didnt feel like getting lost in Jerusalem. But Yasmin showed me. Shes my age. Im assuming shes my age. She said she was in her 2nd year of Sherut Leumi. Sherut Leumi is the alternative choice instead of the IDF. Its like community service. You help special need people, children, hospitals, schools, etc...
So finally I made it. Then, got lost in the central station. They dont have english in Jerusalem Central Station. Instead of English, they have Russian. You would think that in Jerusalem it would be English and in Tel Aviv it would be Russian. But hey you know. Im sure Ill learn it all one day. Ha me and directions. There is just no communication between me and directions what so ever. after a few minutes I found it and got on the bus to Tel Aviv. Everything after that was smooth sailing. I got home around 11pm. Then woke up early the next day and left around 11 for Davids house. Im getting my traveling pro XP. :P
Happy April Fools!!!
Its April 1!!!!
International Prank Day!
Personally Im not a big fan of this holiday because for some reason it's the only day where Im gullable as i dont even know what! Its so ironic. On any other day I wouldnt be gullable but of course today I am. I already fell for the first April Fools Joke.
A friend of mine said they were moving to the United States. Yeah they weren't. Today I should just sleep but I cant. My friend Sam and I are going to look at different beaches for my "Leaving TAU/OSP and Joing the IDF Party" Shes helping me with it. She is such a great friend. I met her on the OSP program. Shes one of the few down to earth cool relaxed people on this program. After the party I will post a blog about it and show pictures.
Im rather nervous about it. Parties and myself dont mix. I hope it works out. Im thinking of just having a few friends with a bonfire instead of something crazy. But who knows. We will see ;)
Fun Fact for today anyone?
I ate my first sunflower seed today!
Since coming to Israel I've tried many different foods. I can say hat I am a much healthier person now. I dont really eat fast food anymore and now I eat more healthy foods.
BEDTIME!!!! Lilah Tov! :)
*Please note that there are no jokes or lies in this blog or any that I shall post today. Im not a big fan of April Fools. Its mean and confusing :/ So I hope everyone has a safe fun and happy April Fools Day!!! :D aka April 1st.
International Prank Day!
Personally Im not a big fan of this holiday because for some reason it's the only day where Im gullable as i dont even know what! Its so ironic. On any other day I wouldnt be gullable but of course today I am. I already fell for the first April Fools Joke.
A friend of mine said they were moving to the United States. Yeah they weren't. Today I should just sleep but I cant. My friend Sam and I are going to look at different beaches for my "Leaving TAU/OSP and Joing the IDF Party" Shes helping me with it. She is such a great friend. I met her on the OSP program. Shes one of the few down to earth cool relaxed people on this program. After the party I will post a blog about it and show pictures.
Im rather nervous about it. Parties and myself dont mix. I hope it works out. Im thinking of just having a few friends with a bonfire instead of something crazy. But who knows. We will see ;)
Fun Fact for today anyone?
I ate my first sunflower seed today!
Since coming to Israel I've tried many different foods. I can say hat I am a much healthier person now. I dont really eat fast food anymore and now I eat more healthy foods.
BEDTIME!!!! Lilah Tov! :)
*Please note that there are no jokes or lies in this blog or any that I shall post today. Im not a big fan of April Fools. Its mean and confusing :/ So I hope everyone has a safe fun and happy April Fools Day!!! :D aka April 1st.
my little plans for blogs
okay so this blog is mostly for me but ya know why not let you guys know about the blogs i want to write. sooo there wont be any photos in this post. im on my boyfriends computer.
so i still need to post the pictures from the second pat of the south trip. it is the ein gedi and dead sea. :)
also passover just passed ovr. :P (hehe i know stupid joke)
i was able to spend my passover in Jerusalem/ Needless to say I wish I brought my camera. I have no photos from it. but I must say it was quite an adventure and a learning experience.
so thats two blogs right there.
i also want to show pictures of tel aviv university and write a little bit about it.
i think that will be a great idea so everyone can see what its like.
and you know i was thinking most people want to know what israel is like. so young jewish people do Taglit. I myself also did Taglit. For those of you who arent familiar with Taglit it is Birthright. Its a free trip to Israel. I can write a good few posts about that! I wanted to write a post about Jerusalem bu most of my pictures were from my birthright trip soooooo Im gonna through caution into the wind and write about Jerusalem in one post and my birthright adventures in another.
Since coming to Israel, Ive taken up the hobby of photographing the flowers I see. I think that will be a rather beautiful post.
Okay, So thats all for now guys :) its almost 2am here. I should be sleeping!
Lilah tov.
so i still need to post the pictures from the second pat of the south trip. it is the ein gedi and dead sea. :)
also passover just passed ovr. :P (hehe i know stupid joke)
i was able to spend my passover in Jerusalem/ Needless to say I wish I brought my camera. I have no photos from it. but I must say it was quite an adventure and a learning experience.
so thats two blogs right there.
i also want to show pictures of tel aviv university and write a little bit about it.
i think that will be a great idea so everyone can see what its like.
and you know i was thinking most people want to know what israel is like. so young jewish people do Taglit. I myself also did Taglit. For those of you who arent familiar with Taglit it is Birthright. Its a free trip to Israel. I can write a good few posts about that! I wanted to write a post about Jerusalem bu most of my pictures were from my birthright trip soooooo Im gonna through caution into the wind and write about Jerusalem in one post and my birthright adventures in another.
Since coming to Israel, Ive taken up the hobby of photographing the flowers I see. I think that will be a rather beautiful post.
Okay, So thats all for now guys :) its almost 2am here. I should be sleeping!
Lilah tov.
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