23 April 2010

YOM HAATZMAUT!!!! Israel is 62!

Okay so Tuesday April 20 is Israel's Independence Day! It was so much fun. Such a great day. Everybody is smiling, laughing, dancing in the streets, and just having a grand old time. Kids even have shaving cream fights. I only thought those were for Halloween or Mischief Night. Proven wrong Monday night. It started like the other holidays, the evening before. This day had 2 or 3 sirens I think though. One at the beginning, on at the height of the day, and Im not sure but I think one ending the holiday. The one at the height of the day, I was at a hair/nail salon with Sam, Lauren, and Rebecca.  Everyone there almost didn't hear it go off including us. It was also the longest siren to go off out of the 3 holidays. Most seemed to be one minute while this one seemed to be two.

The first photo (above) is from the Independence Day Ceremony at Rabin Sqaure or in hebrew Cicar Rabin. Pronounced Ke-car Ra- Bean. It was so much fun. There were hundred of people there. They had fireworks and a very large concert. The first set was a group of soldiers I believe. I have videos that Im trying to upload. When they are uploaded I will post them on here for you to see.
 This is the Independence Memorial across from the Independence Building on Rothschild Street in Tel Aviv. Israel didn't actually become Israel until May 14,1948. David Ben Gurion and other founders of Israel signed the Israeli Declaration of Independence at Independence Hall/Building.

 Soo when I said dancing in the street, I ment it. My friends and I were walking around Tel Aviv and made it to the beach where we found this. Even the religious people were having a great time. Usually religious people don't mingle with secular people. I believe that today was an exception and it was just a day for celebrating. It was so much fun. Such a happy day. I loved it. The Israeli Flag was everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! Actually they are still up too.  Here's a giant Israeli flag in Dizengoff. 

 When there is one Israeli Flag there are tons more. On each car window, every house/building window. Just everywhere. This is definitely a proud country. I am very happy and grateful to be here. :)

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