24 March 2010

Tongue Piercing

inspired by Kim Adonnizio's poem Tattoos

I went today.
I got nervous and left.
I went back today. I stayed a little longer.
The purple walls comforting me. The black leather couch was cozy.
Seeing my friends and having a great time, I filled the form.
Time went on. We left.
I forgot.
I went back today.
I didn't forget this time.
Moving forward and hesitating.
An adrenaline rush like no other.
I sit in the big black chair and hold my friend's hand.
I talk to them. I watch her get her tools.
Seeing her tools I get nervous.
I watch her open a blue bag. Peeling back to reveal a sterile needle.
I watch her take her pliers.
I close my eyes.
I hold my friend's hand tighter.
Too afraid, nervous, and jumpy to move,
I open my mouth.
I feel the needle enter my tongue.
There for barely a second, the process is done.
That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Feeling very proud and happy.
One of the greatest moments in my life.

This was the 2nd poem that had to be inspired by another poem. I made this one a bit more personal and related to me. Excuse Me Dear was more of a playful poem. I don't like coffee either. :P

This photo was taken by the wonderful Edwin Oquendo in one of my favorite places ever: Tormented Souls Its a tattoo shop run by my friend Steve. Hes the nicest guy ever. The shop is located in Kings Park. I highly suggest you go there for piercing, tattoos, both, or just to check it out. I've met the coolest and most nicest people ever there. I love them.

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