My name is Rebecca but everyone calls me Becky. :) This is my first blog ever so sorry if its a little rough around the edges at first. Ill get the hang of it. Well I guess I'll start off with a little about myself first.
My name is Rebecca.
I am from the United States. From Long Island, New York to be more precise.
I am currently 19. I was born on June 6. I am Gemini ;)
I have a younger brother named Robert who is 18 and just left for the Marines.
My best friend in the whole wide world is Bonnie. She is like my sister. Blood couldn't make us anymore closer then we already are. I never would have gotten anywhere with out her.
My mom's name is Judy. She is a very strong woman. I admire her strength and resilience. I don't know how I'd act if my first born and only daughter said "Hey Mom, Im gonna go live in Israel."
I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. He is such a great person. I love him a lot. His name is David. He is one of the most important people in my life.
My favorite color is purple and my favorite animal is the giraffe. I love the band The 69 Eyes.
Right now I am studying at Tel Aviv University. I am in their Over Seas Program as a year student. I have been in Israel since July 28,2009. Almost a year. It is March 23, 2010. Just a few more months. (I will write about it later.) But what makes this blog different from all the other blogs is, is that I joined the Israeli Army. It is known as Israel Defense Forces or in its abbreviation of IDF. I have no family here at all making my a Chayal Boded. A Chayal Boded is a "Lone Soldier". Lone Soldiers have no immediate family(as previously mentioned above) in Israel and are living by themselves with no support from parents or siblings. I have my boyfriend and friends. And of course I have music, books, photography, and my wonderful stuffed giraffe Renee that I made at Build A Bear ;)
I will post more later considering its almost 1am here and I have class at 745am.

My Title picture is of me at the Bahai Gardens in Haifa.
I will share with you my photography, poems, adventures, thoughts, and stories.
Lilah Tov everyone. :)
Great blog! Looking forward to seeing all your new and exciting posts and photos.