Ill give you an update of what's been going on with me since the last blog update not the Tekes Hashaba photo.
I figured it was about time for a legit blog update. I've been getting facebook messages asking for updates so here we are. I just needed stuff worth writing about.
As you guys know I have been in New York(thanks to that dentist blog I put up).
I finally got a vacation and was allowed to go home for a month. I got to see my two amazing dogs, my mom, my sister, my brother, and my friends.
I had a great time there and I'm wondering when the next time I get to go back is. I must say I am NOT missing the NY weather right now. I'm missing the beauty of snow and ice but that's about it. It is way too cold for me. I'm kinda enjoying my 60/70 degree weather. It feels nice. Although it is still kinda strange for me to see all the Israelis covering them selves in jackets saying how cold winter is when I was just in NY and it was 25 on a good day and 30 on a warm day.
This trip was a learning experience for me. I learned alot about friendship and how meaningless it can be to some people. To be honest it hurt. There were people I thought were my best friends and that I would be friends for them for a very long time. I had no idea, that some people just dont care if you wont do something for them. There were a few people who Im glad Im not friends with anymore. I dont want to be taken advantage of anymore.
A question was asked of me on the website Formspring:"Do you think you are easy to be friends with?"
I replied with:"Yes and no. I do have expectations which mostly revolve around respect. You go against those and its hard to get my trust back to the level it was at."
I just want to clarify this. I put alot of trust in my friends. I've learned over and over that that's not a good idea. My morals and life revolve around respect. I will always give you respect as long as you give me respect. The better the friend you are to me the more I do for you. I will always always always go out of my way for my friends and family. Those who are family and my true friends know this.
What hurt me when I went back was I realized that some people were just taking advantage of my love and loyalty and friendship. That hurt. You would think that if someone you said was your best friend they would come see you. Am I right? Isn't that what friends do? If you miss someone and you have a chance to see them, you go see them. You don't make them come to you just so you can ignore them. Or if you miss them you call them(or text nowadays) and say "I wanna see you" but hey ignoring the person flat out gets the picture sent loud and clear. The moral of this is just be honest. If a person is not important to you, dont drag them out and make them think that. Its not right. It sucks.
I spent ALOT of my time with Bonnie. She's my best friend and my sister. It was so great to see her and her family. They are always so warm and welcoming. I absolutely loved being there. I really hope that JoAnn puts up the photos from the past month. Those were some great photos and moments.
I got to eat alot of the food I've been missing. It was soooo good.
I just really wanted to be back home with my loved ones and my food. So I would definitely say it was a successful trip. I got to see my loved ones and eat my favorite foods. I think Israel needs more American food here like TV Dinners(Banquet and Kid Cuisine to name a couple).
It was super great to see my Aunt Marylou and my brother Robert. We all had a nice little lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. That was super fun to catch up with her and him.
Robert got me a really cool US Marines shirt as well as an awesome USMC sweater. The sweater I wear everyday its so comfy. It is kinda funny when people ask what it means. It just goes to show how American I am by assuming everyone knows what USMC stands for. hehe silly me.
It felt really good to finally be back at home with my mom and Petey and Cookie(my dogs). My mom and I had fun. We went through all of our family history and learned alot about or family. Its something I'm never going to forget.
Going back really made me rethink my plan. I have alot of thinking to do about my life now.
Anyway, I need to go now. Im tired. Im very jetlagged. Its not good.
I will update next week to tell everyone about New Years.
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Models: (L)Me and (R)Bonnie PC:George Leininger Becky and Bonnie |
Happy New Year everyone. If I get pictures from New Years Ill put those up. :)
Lilah Tov/Good Night/Gute Nacht
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