07 November 2010

First Random Photo of the Week.

So I wasn't sure how I should go about choosing the random photo for one photo a week. I wasn't sure if it should be from my past, strictly Israel, strictly army, or just doesnt matter any picture I like and feel like sharing. I think any picture I feel like sharing might be a good idea. If you guys want a certain type of photo let me know.
So anyway the photo I chose was because I liked the mood and vibe it set off. I was adding photos to my army album on facebook and just liked this one and it reminded me of the blog.

This is from Gdud 931 of Nahal. It is their Tekas Hashbaah( Swearing-In Ceremony) in Jerusalem. It took place in October at The Western Wall (The Kotel/Wall). It was so good to see my friend Adam again. Thats him(I think) on the right side second inward. 
I figured this would be a good preview of my Tekas Hashbaah Blog. Im so proud of my friends that were sworn in that day and that I got to see.
Alls I need are some photos from Adam and you all will have a fun blog to read. ;)
Well anyway, its late and I need to get up tomorrow morning to go into the army.
Lilah Tov Leculam (Good Night Everyone) :D

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