1. I left David's house. Im now living in the biat hayal (Soldiers House) in Ramat Gan. I highly suggest if you are a soldier to stay at this one. The people are great.
2. I FINISHED MICHVE ALON!!!! I have pictures!!! (also I have the single picture from the first ceremony)
3. I got my uniforms tailored. They look so much better on me now.
4. I had my first Regila. Regila is a 4 days off from the army. Its a vacation. They usually put it on a weekend so it seems longer.
5.IM OFFICIALLY IN NAHAL!!! The best unit ever!!! <3 <3 No like literally. Best Unit Ever. Okay so maybe its my opinion but out of all the people and soldiers I have met all of the coolest and nicest people(including a certain someone who I love very much and has been my best friend and rock through all these tough times) are in Nahal.
6.Im now in the process of finding a job in the army. A job is called Tafkid. I just had a photography interview. I didn't get it but you know, Im not upset about it. Im actually pretty okay with the fact I didn't get it. I didn't have the money to buy the equipment they needed, so its only logical that they give it to someone who had everything they needed. Tomorrow I return to Tel Hashomer for more jobs to choose from. If I can, I will write a blog about that. Im going to update more now that I have more time.
Okay so now, PICTURE TIME!!!
Here is the only picture from my first ceremony at Michve Alon.
Okay now here are pictures from the finishing ceremony at Michve Alon. This was a practice shot.
Okay now here is right before the ceremony when we were all in line too start marching. A little behind the scenes action. You know. :P
Okay now here is me after. I want to thank Hana Shavi for these photos.
To be honest it sucked. I hated that everyone had friends and family there. I could tell that my commanders pitied me. It was nice that they came up to me and started talking to me but still it hurt. I was all alone at one of the most happiest moments in my life. You go into this thinking it wont be so hard to be alone because you will have your plugah and your commanders but when you see everyone going to their family and friends... it hurts. Its a low blow and it sucks. Its not a feeling I want to feel again but I put myself in a position where I know it will be felt again.

Okay so because the course is over we "broke distance" with our mefakdote. I have to say it was really weird at first. But its kind of cool. They are some of the nicest and most coolest girls Ive ever met.

Okay I dont really know what else to write for now. But I will have more stuff soon. Promise.
Oh check out this other blog by a lone soldier. He is in Combat. His name is Tzvi
Hi, Becky -
ReplyDeleteI moderate a Facebook fan page for an Israel nonprofit organization called "Halev: The Organization for the Lone Soldier." (http://www.lonesoldier.org.il/) I discovered your blog today as I was looking for new content for the page. Great blog!
I would like to import your feed so that it auto-publishes onto our Facebook page (http://bit.ly/9Gz18b). I think our 400 fans would appreciate following your story, since you are the kind of person we exist to help.
How do you feel about having your content appear on our page? If you're into the idea, "like" our page, and then I will probably have to send you a friend request. (We can set our privacy settings to the max, so we can't interact with each other's personal profiles.) Then, I can register you as the author of the blog using Facebook's Networked Blogs application, and you can grant permission.
Anyway, thank you for the awesome service you are doing for Israel. Kol Ha Kavod.
Best & l'Shana Tova, - Scott