And yes. Yes I did get lost. :P

Okay Onward with the blog update!!!
So I had an interview at the base Beit Lid on thursday. It's a base outside of Netanya. It has 3 units in the base. Mem Tsadik- The Military Police. The Paratroopers. And Nahal. Me being me, of course, got lost. It's a gift. I am very glad I left an hour earlier then I needed to.
Getting to the base was pretty successful. Navigating around that base is something else. IT'S HUGE!
It took me almost an hour to find the right place. I think I asked 3 or 4 different people how to find the area I needed. Not the building. The area. Okay I remember now. Three people to find the area. One to tell me what building. And one girl who was with two guys to tell me where the person is. Thankfully they actually worked for her so I was 15 minutes to spare till 10am.
That means I was 15 minutes early for my interview...which was at 10.
In normal army fashion I had to wait about an hour for my 5 minute interview. 5 MINUTES!!! Hamesh Dekot!!! 5 FUCKING MINUTES! Why is it for things that take 10 or less minutes you need to wait an hour or more?
Okay but no. It didn't go that bad. The people were nice. It took a little while before we all got the guts to start talking to eachother but you know it was fun. One of them had a tattoo on each arm. The left arm said "Good boys go to heaven." And on the right arm, it said "Bad boys go to Amsterdam." He also went to Michve Alon. So that was really cool to find out. They wished me luck as I went into my interviewer. She was really busy and I could tell but she was still so nice. I was interviewed for being a Pey Pey. It's basically a secretary position. A Pey Pey is the secretary to the Mem Pey. They have the "attendance" list for the entire unit before 10am every day. Attendance List is the best, easiest, most basic translation I can think of for what they do. It's the list of every soldier and where they are. If they are home, hafnia, somewhere on base. Anywhere. A pey pey has to know where every single soldier is. In each unit theres about 200 hundred soldiers. Im using unit in a very broad term because I don't really feel like translating every word and explaining everything. It's a small unit of a bigger unit of an even bigger unit. Blahta Blahta Blah. You get the picture.
The pey pey also (if they want, it's a job you need to make your own) try and keep the moral of all the combat soldiers up. Well the combat soldiers in their unit. The pey pey is the best friend, mom, dad, brother/sister to all the soldiers. Always there for them. Doing whatever is in their power to make the soldiers feel better during their intensive training. Always being happy and optimistic.
To me the hardest part sounds like the attendance list. But it also sounds like a very rewarding and fun position.
Unfortunately the position is closed until the next Combat Draft date which is in two months. So after talking to my katzin(officer) and being told to return on Monday, not Sunday(that will be a blog) I can try and wait it out two months or find a different job. Maybe one that is similar. Im very fortunate to have a great great officer. He is really going out of his way to help me and find a great job. A job that fits me. Im really very lucky and very grateful he is doing this.
Anyway, after I left I went and picked up a package from my awesomeist most favortist best friend/ sister ever. Bonnie. That's her. ->
She sent me True Blood and Dexter. God was I dying without my True Blood. Im finally caught up with every episode. Can not wait for Sunday's episode. So excited. You don't even know.

This vampire obsession of mine I think is hitting a high peak. Ive been obsessed since I was 4. Is that good? *I MUST NOTE! I am not a Twilight Die Hard or what ever they are called. FUCK NO. Im an original and I will be always and forever. You know Cristopher Lee, Bram Stoker, Anne Rice. The Original Vampire Lover. Thankyou for youre time in reading this ridiculous note* That's like what 16 years? Im only 20. Should I get counseling or something?
No that would just be a waste of time. I can just find someone with an obsession like mine. Ain Biya.
Okay it's bed time. Aka. 122 am. Woops.
But I had an excellent thursday and friday. I want everyone to have a happy and safe Shabat. Shabat Shalom everyone!!! :D I will update Sunday afternoon or Monday morning before my meeting with my officer which lead to maybe 2 posts in one day.