12 June 2010

I turned 20 and Second Week of Course

So on Sunday was my birthday. I didn't do anything. I went to the base. Got yelled at. Went to bed. That was my 20th birthday. The second week was officially different from the previous weeks. The discipline levels are alot stricter. We are no longer in tironut thats for sure. But in a way its also easier. We sit in a classroom all day.  Seriously thats our new thing. Now we spend a good portion of the day learning hebrew. I really hope my hebrew is better by the end of this. It sucks to be here and not understand what people are saying. It makes me feel bad that I make them speak another language or we cant help each other because of such a barrier.
The whole day isnt hebrew classes. We have cleaning every morning and sometime at night. Also we have the raising of the flag. I got to raise the flag on Wednesday and lower it on thursday.
My mefakedet started asking us about what jobs we want. Right now shes trying to get me a photography job. I asked for one where I can help people. But we cant be certain till we see how my hebrew level is.
My hebrew class is easy because its what I learned in Ulpan at Tel Aviv University. We just finished the letters. I guess review cant hurt anybody. At least I get to have 100's on everything till the rest of the class finally gets to the same level. Then the problems will begin.
This week I had to go to 2 hospitals for tests. Monday was to a hospital in Haifa for blood tests and Thursday to a hospital in Tzfat for Asthma tests.
Next Week I have the dentist again. Yay. Its going to be a short week since we leave Wednesday for another Yom Sidurim. Im going to have a short week.
On sunday(tomorrow) I dont go in till late so I can look at a kibbutz.
If its good I will take it. Then Ill have a place to live. :) Ill be able to save up enough money to get an apartment.
Okay so thats everything for now. Till Next week guys.
Oh and thanks to Linn for sending me a message. Its so cool knowing that my blog is reaching you all the way up in Norway! I hope it helps. :D


  1. Good luck at the dentist, Becky. I'm still learning a lot from your blog. We're doing fine. I would be interested in reading what you have to say about the kibbutz.

  2. Hope you'll figure it out with your living..

    Good luck with the Hebrew studdings!

    Maybe at the end of the course you'll write a whole Hebrew post for the native readers? :D

  3. חחחח כן! כש אני יכולה לכתוב בעברית אני אכתובת אחד. i hope i said that right. lol.

  4. Yes very good..
    just 2 little corrections:
    כשאני & אכתוב
    And there is a little grammer mistake but thats not a big deal :D
