Guarding at Neshkia was one of the scariest things ever. Probably because it was 2am and hearing a pack of wolves or Tan as I was told. Also animal calls are scary.
I thought I saw someone dancing and I heard weird Arab music. It was just too fucked up. I said "Stop, who are you, etc.." Whatever it was stopped moving and then I started hearing weird bird calls on a timed pattern. First every 15 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then every 10 minutes. yikes. Also I heard the wolves. I think they found food or were under attack because they were howling like crazy. I think one or two started crying. I heard bottles being thrown in between the vehicles. It was so scary. I went to call it in but then a mefakedet came and I told her instead. Then maybe a half hour later it was time to switch, so I told the mefakedet that checked me out of duty.

Okay so Shin Gimel. Shin Gimel is the front gate. The main entrance. That was 3 hours of my life that I can not get back. There was another soldier who was guarding with me. He was not from my tsevvet or my course. He was in an entirely other group. He was opening and closing the gate. He was disgusting. Not in the eat like a pig way. But manner wise he was a perverted pig. For 3 hours I had to listen to him ask me "Why wont you fuck me? Is it because Im black? Will you leave your boyfriend for me? Does he satisfy you? Why are you so shy? Why wont you open up a little? Can you dance for me a little?" Honestly it was so disgusting and perverted. He was insulted when I said "No." Then he asked if I hate black people. He told me about all the girls he liked to have sex with and how much he likes Latina girls. This is not things I want to know. When I sat down he took a broom and kept hitting the barrel( kaneh in hebrew) of my M16. He kept showing off his M16. Honestly it was just so disgusting and childish. He kept trying to hurt the cats walking around. That just pissed me off. If you know me, you know I absolutely love animals. I was so glad when his time was up and he left.
The best part about Shin Gimel is that some random soldier driving in and out went to McDonalds. He came back with McDonald toys. He threw us Yellow Jacket plushed toys. I think they are from a movie or something. I dont know. Mine was a yellow jacket pilot. He had the plane hat and goggles on. It was cute.
So those are my stories for Shmira. Till next time folks.
Well, Becky this is pretty scary. Sounds like you held your own with the really unpleasant person on guard duty with you. You are certainly meeting all kinds of new people. Stay alert and take care.