I know. Random. Very very random.
I had such a sudden random realization about door knobs.
I was thinking about how I like unkosher foods because it makes me feel like Im back home with my favorite foods. In the USA its hard to be kosher. Its not like Israel where kosher is a regular thing.
So getting to my point of the door knobs I realized that Israel has different door knobs. In the USA its those round ones that look like little stubs bulging out from the door while in Israel, they are long and you push them down.
I don't know why Im just realizing this now or why its even important. I cant think of a single place in this country that has the door knobs like they do in New York.
My somethin' other is gonna be about language.
I remember in I think it was senior year I got really sick. It was before school started and I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for my mom to come pick me and this Asian girl- either Japanese or Korean; I don't remember- came up to and asked in broken english why wasn't I inside. She was so nice. I never forgot her. I always admired her courage for coming to the states and my school to learn. It was hard for her to speak. She was so nice. She told me to feel better when I told her I was sick. For some reason she made my day a little better.
I think about it now and I realize that Im in a similar position as her. I'm in a new country where I don't speak the language fluently and I've been thrust into an environment where I need to write,speak, listen, and at times think in a brand new language. People take language for granted. Not many people realize how important a language is. We all know our mother tongue and its what we are used to. Sure, we know that people speak other languages but we don't actually realize that the verbal language is different from own. We know it but we don't ever care or really understand it. Everyone speaks body language but not verbal.
I hope that the girl had an okay time and easy time learning english. I know being in my school meant she probably did get made fun of. I have never made fun of someone learning a language. Its hard. It really takes a huge toll on you. Imagine you are surrounded by hundreds of people and something bad happens. You need to tell someone but you can't because you don't know how to speak their language.
It takes a huge mental and emotional toll. You can't tell people what you need or how you feel. They cant tell you how they feel or what they want or need as well. Its frustrating. It makes you feel small, weak, and stupid. You feel like you're trapped and it doesn't feel like it's going to get any better and it can only get worse.
In the army here, some people don't realize how difficult it really is. Some people don't care and some people find it hilarious. They love when ever you say something wrong. I know with me it pisses me off. Learning hebrew has been sort of therapeutic in a very weird unorthodox way. Yeah it pisses me off to know end that I can't speak and communicate but it has also been an anger management type thing. I can't say what I really want when I get mad so in ways thats good. Lord knows I got a mouth on me. So in ways it helps me hold my tongue.
In the army I hate when people make fun of me. Being in the Neshkiah and being around a bunch of people who hate the army(Yeah thats a whole other story in and of itself), its a big blow. People aren't nice. They don't care. They think you are stupid for coming to the country and even stupider for being in the army. "Why leave America?" "What's here that isn't America?" "Why would you leave to come to this place?" No one likes to hear such mean things about decisions you make. You know what its like to live here and I know what its like to live in America. When they tell me that they want to live in America I ask them the same questions they ask me. Some times they get the hint and others, they naively answer. They want money, the "American Dream", open up a falafel shop. I know that their ideas of America are all from movies. We don't have money. We aren't rich. Life in America is just like life in every other country.
Yesterday I was at the Beit Hahayal speaking with a russian boy. He's in Michve Alon now and it's Country week. Country week is where you tell people about your native country. He asked me what I thought of Russians. The stereotypes we learn growing up. Not all the stereotypes are wrong but some are right just like when I asked him about Americans. His first answer was Hamburger. We all eat Mc Donald's and fast food and are fat. The second was video games. World of Warcraft and those computer games. Most people think we are a fat, lazy country. And most people in America are. It's sad because you can't really deny it.
Anyway being here has really been an eye opening experience. You really learn many different points of views and so many different ways of life. You learn words from so many different languages because there are so many different languages being spoken here.
Some people get that. They understand it. They know its difficult. Others don't. They are very ignorant and just don't give a damn about anyone. But these people are EVERYWHERE in the world not just America or Israel. Look at the Islamic countries in the middle east. They don't accept change at all. Anything new is wrong.
The people thinking about doing Mahal or Olim Hadeshim who ask me for help and advice about the army usually ask about hebrew. "Did you know hebrew before the army?" "Are you fluent?" "Was it hard to become fluent?" "Does everyone really speak english, Ill be okay with english?" Before joining the army I was not fluent at all. I didn't know enough. I'm not fluent at all and it is damn hard getting there. The only way to really become fluent is to surround yourself with hebrew. Speak it all day every day. Read books and the newspaper, watch the t.v., listen to songs in hebrew. Being in the army certainly helped. I would probably still have bad hebrew if it weren't for the army. Yeah, my hebrew is still bad but I've learned a trick. When those people get you down just think about where you started from. I think about how it was for me at Tel Aviv University and then Michve Alon and all the way up until now. I think about everything I've done to get up to this point and how hard I'm working. I can only go up from here. They might want to laugh at me now because I can't pronounce a word right or I have an accent but I know that if they were in my shoes they'd quit and go home crying. Being so rude and ignorant to someone who is different only shows your weaknesses. To everyone who is learning a new language: It's hard and it's only going to get harder. Expect it to get harder and take the challenge head on. You will only feel better about your self at the end of the day and at the end of the challenge. Don't go into such a negative attitude and only think positive. Learning a new language helps open your eyes and mind. You learn more then a new language. Let the haters hate while you laugh all the way to the bank.
My experience in Israel as a girl from New York and a Lone Soldier in the Israeli Army.
26 February 2011
NetworkedBlogs!!! oh and new email
WOW! Thanks you guys. I have 100 followers on NetworkedBlogs.
Become a fan of my blog on facebook with NetworkedBlogs if you havent already.
Here's the link: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/my_life_in_israel_from_new_york_to_israel/
Also facebook did a new update(again). Anyone else getting tired of all these changes every two months?
Anyway, one of the new changes is an E-mail address. If you don't have facebook please use my Email already mentioned but if you do why not make it easier for you and me if we use my new email.
This is my new contact. Like I said in a previous blog you need to message me first before adding me on MSN,Facebook,and anywhere else imaginable. Im not going to add random people I dont know without some clue of who they are or how they know me. To be honest its kind of creepy when I get a message saying "WOW! Im so glad I have you to help me. If I have questions Ill ask you. How are things being your first year?" My response to a message I received like this was "Who are you and what are you talking about? I dont even know you..."
So please please please send a message first introducing yourself and tell me how you found me.
Now here is where I need your guys advice and then number 2 would be your help.
1. Should my blog have a page on facebook. I've been noticing more and more blogs being facebook pages with the updates going to the facebook page making it very interactive.
I noticed I don't get comments on here anymore but I would like to know what you guys think and what you guys want to know.
2. WIth your help I can really reach alot more people in the same or similar situations as I am.
For those of you on Facebook and a fan- can you please send this blog to more people. I want to try and help and reach as many people as possible. I really think this blog can go somewhere. I just need a little help in having people spread the word.
Heres the link again:
Now I know in the previous blog I said I'd tell you guys about a little adventure Im having, so Im going to make that the next blog. This is an ongoing adventure in the army that just took a new turn.
My life in the army isn't as exciting as many people would think. Its very boring and not much happens so there isn't much to blog about unless you guys want to here "We got bored today and decided to make cheerleading pom poms." And yes that really did happen.
Well for those of you who do read this blog and do find it interesting I now have something or somethingS that can be split into 1 or 2 blog posts. So I'm gonna figure out how to write it and see what goes down.
In the end I really hope you guys can help me and will decide to help me. I just want to thank everyone who became a "fan" on NetworkedBlogs even though not many people read this. So I want to extend an even bigger THANKYOU!!! to everyone that is reading this.
Thanks guys. :)
Stay tuned for a new blog coming soon. :D
Become a fan of my blog on facebook with NetworkedBlogs if you havent already.
Here's the link: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/my_life_in_israel_from_new_york_to_israel/
Also facebook did a new update(again). Anyone else getting tired of all these changes every two months?
Anyway, one of the new changes is an E-mail address. If you don't have facebook please use my Email already mentioned but if you do why not make it easier for you and me if we use my new email.
This is my new contact. Like I said in a previous blog you need to message me first before adding me on MSN,Facebook,and anywhere else imaginable. Im not going to add random people I dont know without some clue of who they are or how they know me. To be honest its kind of creepy when I get a message saying "WOW! Im so glad I have you to help me. If I have questions Ill ask you. How are things being your first year?" My response to a message I received like this was "Who are you and what are you talking about? I dont even know you..."
So please please please send a message first introducing yourself and tell me how you found me.
Now here is where I need your guys advice and then number 2 would be your help.
1. Should my blog have a page on facebook. I've been noticing more and more blogs being facebook pages with the updates going to the facebook page making it very interactive.
I noticed I don't get comments on here anymore but I would like to know what you guys think and what you guys want to know.
2. WIth your help I can really reach alot more people in the same or similar situations as I am.
For those of you on Facebook and a fan- can you please send this blog to more people. I want to try and help and reach as many people as possible. I really think this blog can go somewhere. I just need a little help in having people spread the word.
Heres the link again:
Now I know in the previous blog I said I'd tell you guys about a little adventure Im having, so Im going to make that the next blog. This is an ongoing adventure in the army that just took a new turn.
My life in the army isn't as exciting as many people would think. Its very boring and not much happens so there isn't much to blog about unless you guys want to here "We got bored today and decided to make cheerleading pom poms." And yes that really did happen.
Well for those of you who do read this blog and do find it interesting I now have something or somethingS that can be split into 1 or 2 blog posts. So I'm gonna figure out how to write it and see what goes down.
In the end I really hope you guys can help me and will decide to help me. I just want to thank everyone who became a "fan" on NetworkedBlogs even though not many people read this. So I want to extend an even bigger THANKYOU!!! to everyone that is reading this.
Thanks guys. :)
Stay tuned for a new blog coming soon. :D
11 February 2011
So not to much has been happening. Nothing really worth blogging about except for the past two weeks. Too avoid possible jinxation I will with hold until I have a definitive answer. Alls I can tell you is Im super excited and I hope I will make an impact on the Israeli army and all Lone Soldiers.
Ive really been focusing on myself just like my new years resolution. To be honest it feels great. I like having time for myself.
I know that I said Id be more then happy to help other people in my situation or ones similar but I now feel that I should create guide lines or lines that cant be crossed after a few incidences.
I am in no way an officer who can talk to officers for you. I can give you advice and information but that doesn't mean it will work in every specific case.
A lone soldier asked me for help a few weeks ago and to be honest I wish I never said yes. Some people just shouldnt be helped if they dont want to listen or control their temper.
1. It makes me look bad for sticking up for such behavior and condoning it. Im not.
2. If you ask me for help dont go crazy on me when things dont work out. It is ILLEGAL for me to sit in on meetings for you. I cant talk for you. I cant create deals for you. The most I can do is listen to what you have to say, what your problems are and give advice and information that can possibly help you. I dont have the power to do anything heroic.
Second issue if you want help from me dont just message me saying hey im so glad that you can help me and blahty blah blah. 1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!!!!!
2. Send a message introducing yourself saying "Hey Im Mr/Ms. Peabrain and I will be or am a lone soldier. Can I ask you some questions?"
Now it doesnt have to be those exact words but trust me I will feel much better when it comes to answering your questions.
3. It would be nice to know that you actually took the time to at least READ one post of my blog. Alot of questions are answered in this blog. Its amazing that alls you have to do is read them.
For those that are in Mahal go to my blog about Mahal. It has most answers already there. I know its sooo much work to go to the links on the right where it says months. Click on April. Then click on the post that says "Mahal IDF: Signing Up. My Firsthand Account" (http://fromny-israel.blogspot.com/2010/04/mahal-idf-signing-up-my-firsthand.html) as well as the blog "Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer" (http://fromny-israel.blogspot.com/2010/04/lishkat-gius-tel-hashomer.html)
Take the 10 minutes after of your time to read these two blogs which explain MY firsthand account of the processes that took place.
There are also other blog posts that I have that will help you as well.
Im not the only one who is writing a blog so if you would like more blogs to get questions answered ask me Ill give you the links.
Mostly what Im asking for is a little respect. Im not asking for help in return but I would like you to realize that I am a person as well. Dont take advantage of my kindness. I wont take that and you will no longer get my help or advice.
Please read my blog.
I do think that I will put up a blog of the most frequently asked questions. I want this blog to be something that people can relate to. I want people to know that they arent alone. This can be achieved I just need your help.
Just read the blog and if you want you can comment on the blog as an anonymous or send me an email. Please do NOT go right away in adding me on MSN and Facebook before even sending me a message introducing yourself.
Soo beh sof, Im really not a mean person and I really have no problem in helping. Id be happy too. I just want a little respect in return.
Anyway hopefully I can get some of these blogs posts up and ready. I have a rather exciting adventure that I would LOVE to post on here but the adventure isnt over yet. Maybe this week earliest. Fingers crossed. I just hope everything works out. :D
Ive really been focusing on myself just like my new years resolution. To be honest it feels great. I like having time for myself.
I know that I said Id be more then happy to help other people in my situation or ones similar but I now feel that I should create guide lines or lines that cant be crossed after a few incidences.
I am in no way an officer who can talk to officers for you. I can give you advice and information but that doesn't mean it will work in every specific case.
A lone soldier asked me for help a few weeks ago and to be honest I wish I never said yes. Some people just shouldnt be helped if they dont want to listen or control their temper.
1. It makes me look bad for sticking up for such behavior and condoning it. Im not.
2. If you ask me for help dont go crazy on me when things dont work out. It is ILLEGAL for me to sit in on meetings for you. I cant talk for you. I cant create deals for you. The most I can do is listen to what you have to say, what your problems are and give advice and information that can possibly help you. I dont have the power to do anything heroic.
Second issue if you want help from me dont just message me saying hey im so glad that you can help me and blahty blah blah. 1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!!!!!
2. Send a message introducing yourself saying "Hey Im Mr/Ms. Peabrain and I will be or am a lone soldier. Can I ask you some questions?"
Now it doesnt have to be those exact words but trust me I will feel much better when it comes to answering your questions.
3. It would be nice to know that you actually took the time to at least READ one post of my blog. Alot of questions are answered in this blog. Its amazing that alls you have to do is read them.
For those that are in Mahal go to my blog about Mahal. It has most answers already there. I know its sooo much work to go to the links on the right where it says months. Click on April. Then click on the post that says "Mahal IDF: Signing Up. My Firsthand Account" (http://fromny-israel.blogspot.com/2010/04/mahal-idf-signing-up-my-firsthand.html) as well as the blog "Lishkat Gius Tel Hashomer" (http://fromny-israel.blogspot.com/2010/04/lishkat-gius-tel-hashomer.html)
Take the 10 minutes after of your time to read these two blogs which explain MY firsthand account of the processes that took place.
There are also other blog posts that I have that will help you as well.
Im not the only one who is writing a blog so if you would like more blogs to get questions answered ask me Ill give you the links.
Mostly what Im asking for is a little respect. Im not asking for help in return but I would like you to realize that I am a person as well. Dont take advantage of my kindness. I wont take that and you will no longer get my help or advice.
Please read my blog.
I do think that I will put up a blog of the most frequently asked questions. I want this blog to be something that people can relate to. I want people to know that they arent alone. This can be achieved I just need your help.
Just read the blog and if you want you can comment on the blog as an anonymous or send me an email. Please do NOT go right away in adding me on MSN and Facebook before even sending me a message introducing yourself.
Soo beh sof, Im really not a mean person and I really have no problem in helping. Id be happy too. I just want a little respect in return.
Anyway hopefully I can get some of these blogs posts up and ready. I have a rather exciting adventure that I would LOVE to post on here but the adventure isnt over yet. Maybe this week earliest. Fingers crossed. I just hope everything works out. :D
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