It's a pretty picture. It's right outside my window. |
I promise I didn't forget! I just wanted something good to write about. I just looked at my previous post and read the comments. Thank you for reading it. But I would like to clear something up. I am in no way applying that I am letting this affect and claim me as a victim. I wrote this in hopes that it could maybe help people who feel like victims, help them get the courage to say something and get out of the shadow of fear they are under. To let them know it will be okay. Yeah I did start getting harassed by his friends and it did get really hard to live where I was living. But I did it. He has done enough to get himself in more trouble then need be.
A little sum up of the last month I think is in order. Don't you?
Okay so in September I started working in the neshkia. The neshkia is where are the guns are kept. My job title is Neshkiit. Trust me it sounds alot cooler then it actually is. I handle all the guns for the soldiers who have guard duty. I give them the gun, the vest, and the magazine, then I take it back when they are done. That's about as plainly as I can put it. It's also taking care of the guns(i.e making sure they are clean, they work, they aren't broken in anyway and that they have all been returned).
Basically the amount of arguments I get into everyday over a certain gun makes me just want to slap a beepacha (my mom said i should stop saying bad words all the time. so i will do that...well try anyway).
Only in the army will you have here "I want this type of gun because I'm pretty/special". Really? In my head I think "That was seriously not just said to me".
Now I know my hebrew isn't great and im not fluent but I understand that. This is all just so insane.
Anywho, the deal about me being in the Neshkia was Im there to speak/improve my hebrew and/or be there until the real new neskiit comes. Well as of today both happened. She finally gave today. woot woot. So if I'm lucky I have 2 weeks to train her then I leave. I improved my hebrew over these past 6 weeks.
We finally had rain. Here are some pictures of the clouds.
During. This is my favorite. |
After. |
Dont remember to be honest. |
Before. |
So these are pictures from my new apartment! :D Sof Sof!!! That's hebrew for finally. סופסוף!!
I've also seen it spelt this way: סוף סוף.
I see both ways a lot so it's rather confusing to know which is correct.
So my next two blogs will be about my new apartment and the tekas I just went to for Nahal. Both will have pictures. I just wanted to let you guys know I didn't forget about this blog. I think about what to write everyday.
Look forward to a new update soon! :D