Got super sick. Or should I say still sick. When I went back last sunday I was still sick. Okay bitniim. Then Gimilim on base. So by tuesday I was just so sick I couldnt stand by myself. I couldnt eat. Yay. Awesome.
So I asked to go to the hospital. They figured Id be out by that night. SORRY BITCHES! you were wrong. I was admitted. Tuesday to Thursday I was in the hospital. Went to Davids house. Monday went back to the doctor since I have only been getting worse. Yay. Had my gimilim extended because whatever I have has spread to my chest. Fun. It hurts so bad that they gave me extra strength pain killers. Then the hospital wanted my results so they extended my gimilim. Im slightly upset about that. I bought all this food for my guard duty this week and now I cant bring it. Ill eat it here and what ever is left over Ill bring thurrrr.
Soo this whole time Ive been in contact with my mefakedet and my Mem mem. I have been trying to be in touch with my Mishakitash but she has taken a nice break I guess or shes just ignoring me.
Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook know a little more then what Im putting on here. And yeah its kinda hard to be here(living where I am right now) You guys understand(and I hope you can understand that Id like to keep it private).
But I had so much fun just spending time with Davids mom. Shes alot of fun. My hebrew definitely gets better the more time I spend with her. Im glad I get to spend time with her. Its kinda hard to be here because I hate asking for help. Im not someone who likes help. I like to give help not being on the other end. But everyone needs help sometimes. You just have to accept it. It sucks to be sick here too because I couldnt really talk eat or move to much and I wanted to help.
So now Im just watching tv, talking to my friend on facebook, and writing this blog. Hopefully sleep soon. Ill write more next week I guess...I dont know.
Im just gonna keep trying to stay positive in hopes something will change since I cant seem to change anything. Id really like my own bed to sleep in- it would make me feel so much better. Thats where the true home is. When you are sleeping in your own bed. In the mean time here is a happy photo!!!

Look a squirrel with a sandwich!! PC:Bonnie Beckman